How can a Participant self enrol into a program?

Modified on Thu, 15 Feb 2024 at 12:13 PM

This article will provide you step by step description of how to enrol in a program once you are logged in. View the interactive demonstration underneath or read the article:


Within WeGuide, there are two ways that participants can be added to a program

  1. They can join a program after they are added via the admin portal, by a clinician or administrator. 

  2. They can enrol themselves by entering a program code. We call this self-enrolment.

1. How to enable self enrollment for your program (admin user)? 

When you create a program, you can decide if you want a complex program or a self-reported program. For more information on the difference between Complex and self-reported see here: Records and Participants explained

In case you want to make use of self-enrolment for your program, make sure you set up a self-reported program

For more information on how to set up a self-reported program please see here: How to set up a self-reported program

Self-enrolment is currently not available for complex programs and participants will get an error in case they try to enter a program code that is linked to a complex program while trying to enroll in this program.

Once you have setup your self-reported study - in the program list, you will see the Program Codes, which can be used by participants to self-enrol in a program. You can share these with your participants and instruct them to self-enrol. 

2. Self enrol as a participant via sign-up link

In order to make the self-enrolment process even simpler for participants, you can create a signup link that has an embedded program code in it. The link will look something like this:

This link can be embedded in a QR code, so that you can put it on a poster for example for in your clinic. In case you're interested in using a sign-up link & QR code, please contact your implementation manager

3. Self enrol as a participant

After participants have the WeGuide application open, they can enrol themselves into a program in two ways:

Self enrolment via the signup page in the WeGuide patient app

In case your organisation is using the standard WeGuide app (or you have a white label app with self-enrolment enabled), then on the sign-up page, your user will be able to enter a program code during their initial login. 

Self-enrolment via the sign-up page

Self enrolment via the Settings Page

When users are already logged in and they are using the WeGuide app, they can also enrol themselves in a self-reported program by going to Settings and clicking on “Join additional program”. After they enter the program code, they can join the program. 

  • A participant can join as many programs as they want. 
  •  Currently, it's not possible to leave a program. 

Self-enrolment via the settings page

What happens after participants self-enrol in a program?

When a participant joins the program, the same behaviour will happen as when a clinician or administrator adds the participant to a program via the Admin portal. This means a record gets created, an enrolment date is created and engagements will be scheduled. After a participant self enrols, you will be able to see them in the record and participant dashboard. 

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