How to set up a self-reported program

Modified on Mon, 04 Mar 2024 at 11:31 PM

In this article, we will describe how you can set up a self-reported program.

How to set up a self-reported program.


In order to use set up a self-reported program, you will need to follow a few steps. We will explain each step in detail underneath. You can also use the interactive demonstration underneath:

A self-reported program is a program in which the study participant is collecting data about themselves. So, for example, a diabetes patient collecting data about their lifestyle, a student collecting data about their mental health or an athlete collecting data about their workout. 

There is a direct relationship between the participant and the record and therefore it's named a "self-reported" program. 

In a self-reported program, you won't be able to add multiple participants or add any record attributes, if you're interested in that, check out this article - How to add Records & Participants to a Complex Program

Step 1: Create a new program

  • Click on the Edit Programs tab in the sidebar and click on + Add Program. You can now start setting up your program.

Click on + Add Program to start the setup of your program. 

Step 2: Create your self-reported program

  • Give your program a name (Name Program) and make sure that Self reported is selected in the Type of Study dropdown, as shown underneath. Press Save.

Please note that once Saved, you won't be able to change the name of your program.

Make sure that you have self reported selected in the program builder.

Step 3: Add your forms.

  • Once you have set up your program, go back to the "Edit programs" page and click on the form icon, which is shown in the image below:

Clicking on the forms icon will bring up the Forms Overview page.

  • Now click on the Add form button and select the forms you want to add by selecting them in the input box. You can start typing to filter out the list. You are able to add multiple forms in 1 go.

Click on Add form to start adding your forms.

Start typing to bring up your created forms. Press save to add your form to the program.

  • Once you've added your forms, your forms overview page will look like the image below.

Overview of your Forms Overview page after you've added forms to your program.

Step 4: Add your engagement.

Once you have your forms set up, you can now start adding your engagements. How this works is explain in the Program Scheduling article.

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