Adding a participant through the Admin portal - Self Reported program

Modified on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 at 01:19 PM

This article gives instructions on how to add a participant through the WeGuide Admin portal for programs that have the type "Self-reported". 

Adding a participant through the Admin portal - Self-reported program. 

Please follow the steps underneath to add participants to your self-reported program. 

Step 1: Set up a program.

  • The first thing to do it make sure your program is set up as a Self-Reported study

Not sure how to set up your self-reported program? Check this article: How to set up a self-reported program

Step 2: Add participants.

  • Click on the Edit Programs tab in the sidebar of the relevant Program, and click on the add participant icon (+). After you've clicked this icon, you can start adding a new or existing participant to this individual program.

Clicking on the add participant icon allows you to add a participant to your program.

Step 3: Create or add your participant to the program.

  • Given that you've set up a self-reported program, you won't be able to add record details. A default record ID will be created and associated with the participant that you're about to add. Click on Next to start adding your participant.

  • Enter the e-mail address of the participant that you want to add, select it and press Add. In case the participant already exists in our system, then they will be added to the program. If they don't exist yet, you are prompted to enter a few more details, before we can create the participant and add them to the program, as you can see underneath.

Add or create a new participant by adding in their email address. 

Step 4: All done! The participant can now log in.

Now that the participant has been created, their engagements will be scheduled and they are able to log in with their email address into the application. You can find the participant and the associated record in the dashboards for your program. 

Note - Complex studies follow a different Record and Participant creation process, you can find our more about that here - How to add Records & Participants to a Complex Program

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