Release Notes

Modified on Thu, 27 Jun 2024 at 12:04 AM

In this article, we will keep you updated about our latest releases. If required, you will find the matching FAQ articles associated with the new functionality 

Release 60.2 Hotfix 4

Release DateJune 24th 2024

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version

60.2 Hotfix 4



  • NA

WeGuide Portal

  • NA

New functionalities


  • NA

WeGuide Portal

  • Added ability to manually schedule engagements for individual participants or bulk participants, independent of the program schedule. This allows for personalized engagement plans based on participant needs. Read this article for more information

  • Added support for the Dari(Afghan Persian) language in the backend portal.

Release 60.2 Hotfix 3

Release DateMay 24th 2024

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version

60.2 Hotfix 3



  • NA

WeGuide Portal

  • Fixed a bug causing the search functionality to fail when used with automated scripts, while working correctly for manual searches within data tables. 

  • Addressed an intermittent issue where columns were missing in the record dashboard for some newly created programs, contrary to the program attributes. All columns should now display as expected. 

  • Implemented a fix to preserve paragraph spacing when uploading text content into forms. Previously, spacing between paragraphs was being deleted unintentionally.

New functionalities


  • NA

WeGuide Portal

  • Implemented new functionality to allow editing of engagement details after creation. With this update, all engagement fields can now be modified except the form/message selection in the engagement. Read more about it here. 

  • Added support for the following new languages in the backend portal:

    • Cantonese

    • Nepalese

    • Tagalog

    • Turkish

    • Maori

    • Samoan

    • Tonga

Release 60.2 Hotfix 2

Release DateApril 30th 2024

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version

60.2 Hotfix 2



  • NA

WeGuide Portal

  • Enhanced program exports to include parent PIN and language preference in columns, located next to participant names and mobile information respectively, ensuring accurate representation of data when exporting programs.

New functionalities


  • NA

WeGuide Portal

  • Implemented sending SMS to New Zealand numbers, ensuring targeted communication and clear message tracking in the communications tab.

Release 60.2 Hotfix 1

Release DateApril 15th 2024

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version

60.2 Hotfix 1



  • NA

WeGuide Portal

  • Security updates for files uploaded onto the portal. 

New functionalities


  • The application will now process calculated variables calculation and send back the results to the admin portal, once completed. 
  • Please refer to this article for more information

WeGuide Portal

  • Update to support more flexible calculated variables involves creating calculated variables and assigning interpretations to each variable, enhancing flexibility in dashboard data display and analysis
  • Enhanced security in access to the portal by implementation session timeout if there is no activity on the portal for 15 minutes. As a result of this, user will be logged out of admin portal if there is no activity for 15 minutes.

Release 60.2

Release DateMarch 15th 2024

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version




  • We applied a fix to ensure that Mixpanel records whether an event was triggered within the app or on a web browser, and this information is now linked to each user's profile.

WeGuide Portal

  • The "created on" filter on the participants overview page is now available in the format of day/month/year for easier filtering.

  • The program export process has been refactored to handle large data effectively.

  • The translation exporting process has been improved to run in the background, preventing failures with large forms.

  • We've restricted admin users from changing certain critical settings like the app name, timezone, and SMS sender to avoid potential setup problems. If you need to change any of these, please get in touch with your implementation manager.

  • Various security fixes and updates have been implemented.

  • The welcome letter and SMS are now hidden in the program settings. This functionality can be achieved within our program builder

  • Refactored the program alerts functionality and it can now be used effectively to alert clinicians and admins in case of program activities meeting certain conditions. If you need to implement program alerts, please get in touch with your implementation manager.

  • We can now inject participant name, first name and last name in the messages and push notification sent to participants.

  • Implemented a fix for a bug that prevented the deletion of placeholder text 

New functionalities


  • Our app now supports right-to-left languages, and we've added Arabic to our language options. Read this article for more information. 

  • A new question type, signature, is now available using which participants can draw a wet signature on the WeGuide app.

  • Users can now be prompted to join a new program through the app.

  • In case a participant belongs to multiple programs, you can now filter the "Your action" page based on individual programs. 

WeGuide Portal

  • Action statuses can now be color-coded for better organization.

  • Another new question type, signature, has been added for increased flexibility.

Release 60.1.1. Hotfix 2

Expected Release DateJanuary 19th 2024

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version

60.1.1. Hotfix 2



- Minor updates to the calendar feature.

WeGuide Portal

- An update to support more flexible logic scheduling. It allows combining record conditions with engagement details. This functionality is in beta, contact your implementation manager in case you're interested.

New functionalities


- NA

WeGuide Portal

- NA

Release 60.1.1. Hotfix

Expected Release DateDecember 12th 2023

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version

60.1.1. Hotfix



- NA

WeGuide Portal

- NA

New functionalities


- Participant attributes (standard and additional ones) can now be displayed in forms for participants. Updated article to follow

WeGuide Portal

- You are able to add additional participant attributes for your organization. See this article for more information

- You are able to inject participant attributes as data points in your form. View the updated article to find out how.

Release 60.1.1

Release DateNovember 2023
Available to:                All customers

Release version




  • Instead of sending separate links for web app and our iOS and Android apps to participants, we are now using a single link, that will open the web app or the iOS/Android, in case it’s installed. The Pick Platform page is therefore no longer required and deprecated.

WeGuide Portal

  • NA

New functionalities


WeGuide Portal


Release 60.1 

Release Date19 October, 2023

Available to:                

All customers

Release version




  • The reset button from the slider no longer disappears when moving back and forth quickly between questions. 

  • We’ve optimised the loading speed of certain pages inside the application. 

  • Made it easier in our analytics software to differentiate between web and native app users.

  • The slider pages on the login/signup are now “sneak-peeking”, so that the next page is slightly revealed to the participant, indicating that they can swipe them. 

  • Improved the zoom-level for video and photo questions. The result is now closer to the preview. 

  • Domains such as .health are now supported for login and signup 

WeGuide Portal

  • When you’re adding forms to a program, the edit button will now take you to the form. 

  • Fixed a bug where the cancel engagement screen was showing the wrong amount of engagements to be cancelled. 

  • Lists can now be saved within the program information. 

New functionalities


  • Ability to configure how long the splash screen will show for each whitelabel app. 

  • You are now able to use datapoints from the same form inside your survey. Simply inject the short name, similar to how you would do it for datapoints from other forms. See this article for more information. 

WeGuide Portal

  • In the record and participants dashboard, you are now able to sort on enrollment and last data entry date

  • The opt-out status of a participant is now part of the program export. 

  • The participant name can now be injected in the SMS Magic link. If you add [participant_name] to your content, it will populate it dynamically with the name of the participant

  • Validations are now part of the translations file of forms. 

Release 60.01 - Hotfix

Release DateAugust 15, 2023

Available to:                

All customers

Release version

60.01 - Hotfix



  • Fixed an issue where grouped questions sometimes would load slowly

WeGuide Portal

  • Sorting and searching on the enrollment date and last entry date is possible again.

  • Improved loading performance of the settings page. 

  • Improved performance of the records dashboard export report.

New functionalities



WeGuide Portal


Release 60.01

Release DateJuly 27, 2023

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version





WeGuide Portal

  • When you export translations now, most of the HTML entities are preserved as plain text, instead of being encoded as HTML attributes. 

  • Changed the way you can save a program. You can now save individual engagements in the program, instead of the whole program, for performance reasons. 

New functionalities



WeGuide Portal

  • For each engagement, you can now specify how you want to reach out to the participant. You can find more information here.

  • Importing and cloning a form will now happen in the background for performance reasons.

Release 60

Release DateJune 8, 2023

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version




- Update the error message when you try to login with a mobile or e-mail that’s not found.

- If a participant signed up or was added with their name, we now show their first name on the “Your actions” screen. So it will show something like “Good afternoon, Brian”.

- When you’ve set a time-limit on the video question, on all platforms, the recording will now stop automatically. 

- Added a few extra translations for whitelabel applications.

- Fixed some cosmetic issues with whitelabel apps that are using multi-language.

- Fixed a type for the information icon. 

WeGuide Portal

- We made sure that the survey ID and the question ID now only accept characters, numbers, _ and -. 

New functionalities


- We’ve added the favicon icon for whitelabel apps. 

WeGuide Portal

- Fixed an issue where the multiple-choice options sometimes wouldn’t come along if you cloned a single-choice or multiple-choice question

- You can now add program info in multiple languages

- Added styling to the translation export so that these are preserved. 

- Middleware only: we only import the language preference once from an external system. Afterwards, updates to the language preference are ignored. This is done because participants can change their own language when they’re in the app and we don’t want to overwrite this. 

- Importing translations now happens in the background for performance reasons.

Release 59.3

Release DateMarch 6, 2023

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version




- Fixed an issue where you would see a WeGuide screen when you would try to open WeGuide on Safari after receiving a reminder message

- Fixed an issue where keystrokes where registering slowly on certain devices.

- Fixed an issue where we wouldn't register if a participant has accepted push notifications or not

WeGuide Portal

- The fill in link that is being used by clinicians to complete engagements on behalf of participants doesn't expire within 30 days now. The link is valid for a year. 

- Updated the graph plotting on the individual record and participant dashboard page. 

New functionalities


- It's now possible to point a white-label application to multiple tenancies.

- (beta) added the functionality to collect ECG data by means of healthkit for your program. In case this is of interest, please reach out to your Implementation Manager since this functionality is still in beta.

- You can now protect your application with an optional pincode. You can find more information about it here. Contact your Implementation Manager if you're interested in using this for your whitelabel application. 

WeGuide Portal

- Made it possible to add the collection of ECG data to your program. The data is visible on the participant dashboard and is included in the program export. 

- (beta) Added functionality so that you can create an engagement that is always available for a participant by means of looping logic. Contact the Customer Success team to understand how to do it.

- You can now add more than 1 reminder to your engagements. 

Release 59.1



- (beta), we are now supporting integration with Garmin Devices. This is currently in beta and will be tested with a limited set of customers. In case you're interested in using Garmin data for your program, please contact your implementation manager.

WeGuide Portal

- Made it easier to add goals. You can now see the colour of badges that you're adding and you can see the icons itself. 

- In the schedule for a participant, the communication activities are now in time-based ascending order. This will make it easier to identify what got send to the participant at what time. 

- Some small improvements that have to do with spacing and colours of buttons. 

- You can no longer add spaces in variables that are used in your programs. This includes record attributes, form ID's and option ID's among others. This had to be restricted due to the fact that more and more, these variables are used for business logic. More info about this soon. 

- The engagement label is now included in the program data export files. This makes it easier to identify to which engagement the data belongs in case the same form is used for multiple engagements 

- In the survey builder, the confirm skip button is not set to false instead of to true by default

New functionalities


- You will now be able to collect Heart Rate Variability (HRV) data with the Happitech question. The Happitech question is only available for clients who have an extended license. Please contact your implementation manager for more information. 

WeGuide Portal

- You are now able to expire engagements for participants. More info can be found in this article

- (beta), we are now supporting integration with Garmin Devices. This is currently in beta and will be tested with a limited set of customers. In case you're interested in using Garmin data for your program, please contact your implementation manager.

Release 59.05 - Hotfix

Release DateNovember 15, 2022

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version

59.05 - Hotfix



WeGuide Portal

- We have disabled the auto-fill when you're adding participants to a record, since this was leading to privacy concerns. 

-We have made some improvements to make the Program Export more robust and stable. You will see that the export is now much quicker than before. If your program is large, you will now receive a .zip file with data files for each form that is part of your program, instead of a single big file. The big file was leading to problems since we were exceeding the number of rows an Excel file could handle. If your program has less than 300 form results, then you will still receive a single data file.

New functionalities


WeGuide Portal

- You are now able to edit record participants. You can add or delete a participant to a record after it is already created. Click here to read more.

Release 59

Release DateOctober 31, 2022

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version




- Fixed an issue with the date picker automatically changed to the next year when the last row of the month of December was selected

- Fixed an issue that would cause the screen to flicker on certain devices. 

- Renamed the 'See Preview' button when uploading a video/photo

WeGuide Portal

- Solved an issue where the magic links that would be sent via SMS wouldn’t arrive on time 

- Solved an issue where branching logic would break when you would clone a survey

New functionalities


WeGuide Portal

- For each optional question in a form, you are now able to specify if we should confirm with the participant if they are sure they want to skip this question. When confirm skipping is off for a question, then the participant won't be shown a modal in case they are skipping an optional question (also works for grouped questions).

- For our integration customers: we will opt-out participants when substatus is Pending Withdrawal

- In the program builder, you are able to label engagements so that you can identify them easier. 

Release 58

Expected release Date23 September, 2022

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version




- It's now possible to collect Atrial fibrillation data when completing a Happitech recording.

- Maximum file size of videos is increased to 1000MB and photos and other files to 50MB.

- We have updated the date-timer picker so that it's easier to switch between months and years. 

- Updated the video timer behaviour on iOS, so that is similar to Android and our web application. The timer is now counting down in all platforms when a maximum time is set, instead of counting upwards. 

- Updated our analytics tooling so that there will be less "undefined" values in the reporting tools.

- We have updated the photo/video upload process. When you finish a survey, the photo/video will upload first now before completing the survey. In case the upload process is interrupted, then the survey won't be completed and the participant is able to re-upload their photo or video. 

WeGuide Portal

- It's now possible to see Atrial fibrillation data when adding a Happitech question type.

- We've improved the Mixpanel analytics so there are fewer undefined values in the future. 

- Did some improvements to make our scheduler more robust. 

- We updated user rights on a program so that it now also works for complex programs. 

- Some improvements were done to make our engagement scheduler faster and more robust

- Increased the graphs on the individual participant and record dashboards so that recurring forms are now presented in a nicer way. 

New functionalities


- You are now able to add additional attributes to individual goals, such as labels, badges and icons. You can find more information about it here.

- Made it possible to always upload the video/photo and not only when a camera is not present on the device. 

- User can now decide to upload a photo/video, instead of taking it from the device. Previously, file upload was only available if the device did not have a camera. Now it's always possible to upload a file, even if the device has a camera.

WeGuide Portal

- We have added the action status to the export report. So when a record had a action status on the moment of completion of a form, this action status will now be presented.

- We have added the Question ID to the "Insert data point" dropdown, so it's easier to identify a field in case the same name is used for multiple fields.

- You can now duplicate/import forms and updating the conditional logic of the new form automatically. This will save a lot of editing time. 

- You are now able to do conditional logic in a form, based on previous form data. You can find more about it here.

Release 57

Expected release DateAugust 2022

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version




  • Update the timer so it's counting down on each platform, instead of counting up.

  • Improve the save & exit functionality. Whenever participants leave the field, the answer will be saved to the backend.

WeGuide Portal

  • Make sure the graphs on the individual record and participant dashboard are working well with data that is collected over a longer duration of time

New functionalities


  • You can use the Hide question title to hide the questions

  • You can now group questions on a single page by making use of our "grouped" questions. 

  • As a white label setting, you are able to change the My Goals label into a label of your choice. 

  • Show formatted form header, subtitle, and option label. Bold, italic, and underline are supported.

WeGuide Portal

  • You can use the Hide question title to hide the questions so that the question title will not display to the participant

  • You can now cancel the data export file of the file is in processing.

  • You can now add questions inside a group so that they will show on a single page in the participant application. Read more about it here.

  • You are now able to add data points from previous surveys in your new surveys. In this way, you are able to refer to a previous data point in a new survey. You can find some more information about it here

Release 56

Expected release Date13th July, 2022

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version



WeGuide Portal

- Make our record, patient and participant dashboards perform better in order to be able to handle large sets of data.

Release 55

Release Date5th July, 2022

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version




- Fixed a bug where the list of surveys in the "Your actions" list in the app would be presented in a weird order in case the list of available surveys was long.

- Fixed a bug where the video recording wasn't working properly when using Safari incognito.

- Made the app quicker and work better on low-end devices.

- Fixed a bug where the tooltip from the previous page come across to the next page. 

- Improve the interface for larger devices, so more content can fit on the screen. 

- In case somebody tried to log in on a different device than where they initially requested the magic link from, we've made the process to request a new link easier now by prepopulating the e-mail or mobile number.

WeGuide Portal

- In some rare cases, participants were receiving multiple e-mails for new engagements. This is now resolved.

- Performance improvements to make our dashboards quicker in case you're running studies with a large number of participants or records.

- Improved the export functionality so that it includes the date the engagement was available and the status of the engagement

New functionalities


- Made it possible that a white-label app will only send push notifications, no e-mail and SMS messages. You can find more about whitelabel settings here.

- Put a limit on the length of the video's you can record to prevent performance issues. Video's will automatically be stopped after 180 seconds (3 minutes) moving forward). You can find more about what's possible in video questions in the support article.

- Made it possible to clear the value that you have added in the input field of date, time and year input fields

- Moved the photo/video uploading to the background so that the participant can keep using the app while the photo or video is uploading

- Implemented a scroll indicator that will show on screens that are scrollable, in order to make sure that users don't miss anything.

- Made it easier to request a new magic link in case the old one expired. 

WeGuide Portal

- We're now showing the WeGuide on the individual participant page. 

- We're now showing the PIN on the individual participant page. 

- The system name of a form is now included in the export file.

- It's now possible to pause a participant. This means that when they login, they will no longer be able to complete any engagements anymore. You can find more about it in this support article.

- It is now possible to delete a record. Read this article for more information about it.

- It is now possible to delete a participant. The participant and the associated data will be removed. Read the support article for more information. 

- You are now able to edit record attributes. If you edit the record attributes, all the associated engagements will be updated automatically. So, for example, if you update the date of birth of a record and you have engagement scheduled based on this date of birth, then all these engagements will be updated automatically. 

- We are now showing the PIN in the participant dashboard. 

- Record attributes are now available in the export file

- You are now able to format goals and add bold, italic, etc. 

Release 54

Expected release DateJune 2, 2022

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version


WeGuide Portal

- Fixed some issues with engagements that were dependent on an action status were not triggering or triggering too often.

- Fixed some issues with engagements that were recurring that were not triggering or triggering too often

- Fixed some issues with messages still being in queued state after they should have become available. 

- Participants that have a name or email that includes test or testing will now be flagged in Mixpanel as a test user.

New functionalities

- None this time, more to come soon :)

Release 53

Date27th of April, 2022

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version




- Fixed a bug where the timing on surveys that were about to expire was not correct. 

- Fixed a few issues that had to do with camera switching on Android and web devices. 

- Fixed a bug where survey instructions would sometimes be presented in the wrong order. 

- Made it possible to click the magic link multiple times, instead of once, to prevent login issues. 

WeGuide Portal

- Removed "push" as a communication preference and made it a separate attribute. Participants can now have a communication preference (ie one of either e-mail or SMS), and push notifications for mobile Apps can be turned on or off. This was implemented to cater for users that would switch from our mobile app to web app. 

New functionalities

- We have added an analytics solution to our application, called Mixpanel. In case you're interested in getting insights into how people are using your app, please contact your implementation manager. You can find more about analytics solution here.

Release 52

Date01th of March, 2022

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version




- Fixed an issue where engagements weren't showing in the right order for certain programs.

- Fixed an issue where the "Your actions" action screen would jump after a few seconds, which led to clicking on the wrong survey, whoops!

- Fixed an issue where the options for single choice and multiple-choice questions weren't visible if the content in that option was long. From now onwards, the option will expand on the screen, in case it's too long to display on a single line. 

- Fixed an issue where YouTube videos would sometimes not fit completely in the screen while viewing them inside the program information.

- Added a security update that requires users to login for the first time they use WeGuide on their mobile app or browser. Once logged in on their device they will not need to login again unless they clear their browser cache, or re-install their App  

WeGuide Portal

- Implemented a few security improvements to make our platform even more secure. 

New functionalities


- Added the ability to reset a response for single choice questions. 

- Adding a few animations to our app, to make our app pop! This is also available for whitelabel applications, 

you can read more about it here.

- We are now showing the record identifier in the survey header so that it's clear for a participant for whom they are completing a survey. Have a look here to see how it looks.

- Added some error messages for when the user is offline, so they don't try endlessly to signup while they don't have an internet connection. 

- Change the country flags for our language picker to abbreviations. 

WeGuide Portal

- Made it possible to add a few extra details to a participant (optional), such as gender and recruitment status. Click here to see how you can do it. 

- Added an overview page where you can see all participants, edit existing participants and create new participants. 

- Made the record attributes visible on the individual record page so that it's clearer which record you're viewing. Fields will only display if they are filled. 

- Ability to schedule engagements based on record attributes that are date field. Read more about it here.



Release 51

Date28th of January, 2022

Available to:                 

All customers

Release version




- Fixed some issues that were forcing participants to log out automatically in certain scenario's.

- Fixed an issue where the app would get stuck if you deinstall and install the app again.  

- Improved the browser support for our participant application. You can find a list of all supported browsers and operating systems over here. 

WeGuide Portal

- Fixed some issues where program roles were not working as expected on complex programs. 

New functionalities


- Made it possible to enrol in self-reported programs from the app. More info about this can be found here

- Made it possible to customise the settings page in case you're using one of our whitelabel apps. You can find more about what's possible by clicking here.

- The app version is now displayed at the bottom of the settings page

WeGuide Portal

- Ability to edit existing participants. You can find more about it here.

- Improved the security by only allowing portal users to be logged in for 7 days. Find more about this in the article that describes how you can login to the WeGuide Admin portal.

- Program data will now be downloaded to the local device, instead of sent to an e-mail. You find more information about this in the article "How to download your program data"



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